There are little things I do not do consistently that tell people I am not ready for the big stuff.
it was in my act of asking him that allowed him to communicate some things do me in a more to-the-point way.
When I get this social bull crap out of the way I really do enjoy life.
and being a member at the Y just makes so much sense.
Oh, you pulled it out of me...
And now.. with the gym out of our relationship I shouldn't keep confusing the two.
seriously, I have pretty deep reasons.. but ...... my innate reasons are deeper?
I like the idea of humans communicating to each other with their body language, it is like they are dancing...
when I am in this mind I like to be in I am focused on the holographic universe and ... how others are influenced by my actions. . . . . . . . . osossoooos o os o o s o o oos o o so o o o o oso o o aoao o o o o of o o o o o o o o o o ocok k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k m m m , m m , nm jm .l v .v ; l. ;v vk . k /v . c mcnl cc,cv.. cl c. .c;c./ / l / ;vv; b'vbvcx;mnz; dcvc/vc. ,v/vc,bn/v .gvv.c
notice the shifts in the way the thoughts came out of the body... this is how art communicates. There is a deep place in me that has connected wit h that u niversal...mode of thinking.. I think the issue is not exactly feeling like I have a family. . . .. . . .
man, it kinda feels like eric was trying to make a family with me. . . without any intention of participating in things of society... well he did buy that rock band and got me to act really freaky when Jacob was over.. that was pretty strange...
k. lots of cool school stuff now!
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