Indonesia to Egypt,
general patterns of being
not about struggle,
those are secondary because you need them to define who you are,
is what he said.
Our own society's porpostrous beliefs? Declaration on Independence?
Yes, it is forcing its Agenda... but does anyone know its Agenda?
(I questionthis immense sneeze session. I don't like being expected to be intelligent but then I created that
stigma didn't I? I am just as guilty, maybe for learning about this stuff.
You too can cut of the head of Goliath with a paper cutter,
is what he said.
I feel so unfunny here all alone. Have artists typically been social outcasts? Leonardo worked for his government..drug trading...ah!
George bush was their hero.
8 yr old kid said he wanted to be an archaeologist
and he asked him why and he said, "To find out who we are".
"If he can do it, we can do it". What is this single stream of positive thought? Coming from little
foreign boys to Barack Obama.
Muslim Brotherhood?
The Al Qauda of 2011 is not the Al Qauda of 2001.
Monothesism created the good/evil roles in society. This was never before.
The world must and should be saved whether we like it or not, he says.
What's powerful enough to take them away?
See guys,
dissapointment really kills me. I have never had a direct connection with the outside - the outside always came through my grandma.
Working at the gallery is forcing me to change this approach to life where I cut things down, instantly.
As soon as I know other people ahve the potential to see this, I change what I focus on.
affect the role of Islam? Does Islam communicate sacrificing for the good of the whole?
Human dynamics, unfolding.
People are Islamic --> Egypt is a religious society. So, also, when interpreting art the Egyptians made one must consider the religious structure of their society.
Call Meijer Pharmacy
Call Bodies of Art Exhibit
call the apartment maintaiencei about fixing the faulty lock on my door. Nobody came! Interesting.. aww.. leave it up to others to bring out the positive aspects in me.
Everything good and bad has been inspired by religion.
unless we find a way to reconcile these changes in the world I have a feeling we're going to be left in the lurch. I've gotta do this --> attatch my actions to my everyday life i.e. the people in it.
outside of the economy..
fear drives people.
Why is it that when an Earthquake threat is so much more powerful than a real threat? My art got lazy cause my mind got lazy! The principle of enmity. No body is interested in happy feel goody stuff. How can we be charged in society without competition etc, etc, etc.. Kendall is about competition a lot, it feels like. It intimidates me. That is funny. Because that is what I tend to do to people and things.. that is not what
if you think about the effect that writing had
and you see what is happening in the world today with world communication
and realize it is changing in incredible ways. Its old policy makers that try to sell you the advantages of a buggy stick. What is the relevance of a buggy stick?
Transcend this transference.
By sewing on Wallets after studying with Buffy.
The way we're going to change the world by our example?
But you were just pointing your finger at the community of people who go off and live in a cabin in the country.
Man. I am a Nomad. I kinda feel like I died, so I did! Oh no! Not totally because Kelley invited me to a VSA Arts thing she is volunteering for on... the22nd? that is a week from tomorrow. Why have I stopped thinking that going out is ever fun?
I feel so guilty sometimes.
I had a pretty full day yesterday.
I met with my psychologist -- where we talk about some intense things -- for 50 minutes, I didn't have to wait for him, for a second. And he got me water; it really felt like the session was about "me". Maybe there was truth in the way they are acting. That is part of their job, to teach humans how much love there can be in the world.
ok. breakfast time.
Then work on wallets and learn some Islam infomation.
BECAUSE, we are to be responsible citizens.
I told him there was a good chance I could fail the semesterif I keep doing what I've been doing.
People have reached out to me and I have shit at them in the face!
They say no reciprocation is required, but cosmically, there has to be, somewhere. I would think a human would want there to be a reciprocation required because we have an intrinsic need for bonding. Maybe it is because I think about things like that, that only certain people talk to me, isn't that true of everyone?
I should also e-mail the people at church back about using their kitchen.
A lot of people have died. Yeah. I think I can understand what Melissa means, with that... 3 pm. How am I going to make this work? Working out wakes up my brain, and it wants to wake up.. maybe wake up by sewing, listening to some words ... there are a few audio books I have.
Adena offered to have me near her all the time and I refused it and now she is gone completely. Mwwwaaaa, did I not give her enough reciprocation? Or was it the other way around? Or did I give her something that pretended to be more mature than it really was? It felt like she wanted to start a tribe. So, when I say her it probably obviously was not her. I am obsessed. No. just thinking about the people I learn from in my life. I cannot learn from her anymore. I severed those ties. Or was it the other way around? They will be there if they need to be.
James gets my Godspeed ticket, I feel like love has left my life..................why oh why has this happened..?