Tuesday, February 22, 2011

why do I feel like you are they only one that wants to hear about awesome stuff... it's the podcast. Without it, I would have no idea.  Yes I would. I saw it in your eyes: just a fire. I saw in in Olivia, Mrs. Robertson, Deb...I just forget about it. It makes me sad. so i forget about it. Or rather, focus on doing something I enjoy.
I should translate some Spanish. I am going to Spain ya' know.
I am going to Spain. Voy a España. The Apple one-to-one guys taught me that. Thank yooou; I think too many people telling me I was doing to much was turning in to me thinking I was doing too much.

My skin looks wrinkly. Is that because the muscles are retracting? Is that what David meant, phisiologically, when he said it exercise helped him live longer.. exercise, exercise, exercise, I can rarely spell that word out. Hm, if I can do that with a word,  but can't read a date correctly, why is this happening?!
numbers! are one of the first things you learn in a language!


Jezt, wissen du etwas mehr?
I don't know... this location does not have the answers I need...?
Or................................I'm not doing what I need to do? I have all the answers I need?
is that when I become whole?
jeepers kreepers.

all this indoors is killin me yo. But, that stuff out there does too... maybe not if I want to do whatever I'm doing? How have I forgot that? If I want the goal the "work" in between has NEVER been too much, for the past 8 or so years, and now I recognize that I have almost wholly regressed (except totally not, because now I am aware of this) to the state of one who does not like to do too much... I used to blame this behavior on my grandma - because it was true- and now I have the choice to change this behavior and not be controlled by it.  Off to gym!
why the gym? Because there are other people there. Part of exercise is other people. Without others, would anything we do really matter? Maybe.. if it helps you be someone who can function around others?

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