Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A D vowel consonant vowel

Dang. I can't get this girl out of my mind. I think it may have something to do with our names. It is freaky.

There are a few key expressions we both do.. she said she changed... there are fundamental things about a person that do not change... in the case with her I picture this hyper toddler jumping up and down on one leg.

Anyway, why she came to mind was blogger.com.

I know her to be someone that researches the details out of everything and if she uses blogger.com I can trust it. This other girl brought up the issue of trust yesterday. Michigan Radio is supposed to be on.

I just saw that she has instant access to my blog. If I were her I would be thinking did she choose to do this because of me? And start freaking out in all kinds of ways. My idea is to just ramble. and go back and edit posts sometimes. and delete posts. Like i'll probably delete this post if I stick to the organization thing. I got 4/15 on my Islam test yesterday. I'm taking the hardest level art history class they offer at Kendall. Art and Spirituality.
did I ever say what happened with Tom? he asked me if I was taking any painting this semester. I said no, i kinda dove into my own psyche a little much and had to back away for a big. I plan to paint soon. If I had a garage, I bet I would now.

Lets find a place to move to so I can paint. in a garage. And make the world happy by doing something holographic (which can't help but give you peace...)

And let her know that I don't know how to communicate with people... exactly. And this is an attempt to get where I need to be. Ah. I am where I need to be. I am writing on a computer. this beautiful amazing machine where I have learned these skills to be able to grab my thoughts, finds ways to communicate those very elusive pieces of confetti and spit them onto a screen for millions to see.

Can't be Anton Checkov. Gotta be someone new.

Role models:
Anne Frank
Nikki Giovanni
Nikolai V Gogol
Edward Munch

Then Matt told me that Gogol starved himself by just not eating. And I am going to go spend time with this guy who tells me my heros were just ordinary people.

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