Wahrheit und Traum
Sachlichkeit hieß für viele Künstler und Architekten die Losung der zwanziger Jahre. Einige ihrer Kollegen aber wollten sich nicht mehr vom Verstand steuern lassen.
Etwas tag, ich will etwas man zu
My Translation:
Truth and dream
Professionalism was called for many artists and architects the slogan of the twenties years. However, some of her colleagues did not want to be steered any more of the mind.
Something meet, I want something one to
what I read it to be saying is that in the early twentieth century artists were expected to be professional and now artists are recoiling from being artists. Part of why I am doing it is I don't want my art to be commercial. It looses its power when it is duplicated with the sole purpose of making money. Right now, any duplications I made would be just to make money because I prefer to make things with my hands. I think the overarching thing a person gets with a duplication is the insult that they couldn't "afford" the genuine version. So, how do I avoid insulting people yet still create art? My head gets caught in this noise of I have to create art to make money, and I really don't want to do that, with the current perspective I have now. Hmmm..
so, I just translated the first Sura in a way? No, I translated a translation. I don't know how that is going to work. I thought it would be like paraphrasing a poem with matt, perhaps? But, Sylvia and ERic ended up doing it. That is significant. RAlf would have loved to do that.. Adena... Jen too probably. Maybe Eric and Sylvia did? Well, I think that exercise discouraged the professor from using the format he was using. I think he may have learned how dead the assignment was for a lot of people.
Language shifts the way you think. I really want to go to a place where I am forced to think differently. I would like to go to Germany because I feel like it wouldn't be as intimidating. Plus, I could talk to Ralf. And Sylvia. And a whole country of others. Heck, I'm not even talking to the people in my own country, why do I want to speak to those in other countries? I talk to the people in my country about the ideals of bridging that gap. It is an act of extreme kindness to connect with other beings. Adena is connecting with German in the same way I am.. with the hopes of reaching out to another human. That is beautiful. What about all the other people who are doing that?
Was konnte in der Kunst auf die Schrecken des Weltkriegs folgen? Eines jedenfalls war klar: Das rauschhaft nach außen gekehrte Innenleben der deutschen Expressionisten wollte niemand mehr sehen.
What could follow in the art the frights of the world war? In any case, one was clear: Nobody wanted to see the drunkenness-like outwardly turned inner life of the German expressionists.
in any case
turned one
Inner life
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